


Adopted 1967; Amended 1992, 1993, 1996,

1997, 2000, 2002, 2005, 2009, 2012, 2016, 2020, 2022

Article I


Section l.   Name - The name of this Association shall be the Piney Woods Counseling Association.

Section 2.   Affiliation - This Association is a Chapter of the Texas Counseling Association and shall conduct its affairs in compliance with the By-Laws of that organization.

Section 3.   Values Statement - The Piney Woods Counseling Association values the following:





      Respect for Humanity

Section 4.   Mission Statement - The Piney Woods Counseling Association (PWCA, a diverse community of counseling professionals, educates others about and advocates for the understanding and delivery of effective counseling to all Texans.

Section 5.   Goals - The goals of the Piney Woods Counseling Association are:

Goal I   - Advance the counseling profession, its progress, understanding, and improvement.

Goal II  - Serve the counseling and developmental needs of all individuals.

Goal III - Provide leadership and direction.

Goal IV  - Influence decisions that affect the profession.

Goal V   - Represent the diverse interests and issues of its membership.

Goal VI    -  Promote/encourage professional development of all counselors.


Article II


Section 1.   Types of Membership - Membership shall be of one type  individual. Such persons may become members of the Association upon payment of annual dues.

Section 2.   Classes of Membership - Membership shall be of three classes regular/voting,emeritus/voting,and student/non-voting.

Section 3.   Regular Membership

(a) Eligibility - Any person whose primary responsibilities or interests are in the area of human development - specifically guidance, counseling, or personnel work and others with similar interests and responsibilities such as community agency workers, school social workers, school psychologists, paraprofessionals in counseling - shall be eligible for membership. No one may be denied membership in this Association on the basis of ethnic group, color, creed, gender, sexual orientation, gender expression, age, and/or handicapping condition.

(b) Privileges - Any person who has met the qualifications for regular membership and has paid the prescribed dues shall be eligible to attend meetings of the Piney Woods Association, to vote and to hold office.

Section 4.   Student Membership

(a) Eligibility - Any student, graduate or undergraduate, interested in guidance, counseling or personnel work shall be eligible for student membership. No one may be denied membership in this Association on the basis of ethnic group, color, creed,gender,sexual orientation, gender expression, age, and/or handicapping condition.

(b) Privileges - Any person who has met the qualification for student membership and has paid the prescribed dues shall be eligible to attend meetings of the Piney Woods Association, but student members may not vote nor hold office.

Section 5.   Emeritus Membership - Emeritus membership is an honor which may be granted by the Executive Committee. To be eligible a member must have a minimum of ten years of membership in the Piney Woods Counseling Association, five of which must be continuous immediately prior to nomination for emeritus status. Emeritus members shall be exempt from payment of dues to the Piney Woods Counseling Association and shall retain all rights and privileges of dues paying members as determined by these By-Laws.

Section 7.   Dues - Dues for members of the Piney Woods Counseling Association shall be recommended by the Executive Committee and established by action of the membership. Payment of dues to the Piney Woods Counseling Association shall entitle a person to membership as qualified in Sections 3, 4, and 5 of this Article.

Section 8.   TCA Membership - Members of this Association shall be encouraged to apply for membership in the Texas Counseling Association and its divisions. All elected officers of Piney Woods Counseling Association shall be members of the Texas Counseling Association throughout the term of office.

Section 9.   Severance of Membership

(a) A member may be dropped from membership for the non-payment of dues.

(b) A member may be dropped from membership for any conduct that tends to injure or discredit the Association, or that is contrary to or destructive of the objectives according to the By-Laws and the Code of Ethics of the Texas Counseling Association and/or the American Counseling Association.

(c) Membership may be terminated if the member’s professional license or certification is revoked by any regulatory body.

(d) It shall be the responsibility of the Executive Committee upon investigation to determine whether or not a member should be dropped from membership for reasons under (b) and (c)of this Section 9. Any member whose membership is terminated under (b) and (c)of this Section 9 is not eligible for reinstatement as a member in any class.


Article III


Section 1.   Officers and Terms of Office

(a) The officers of this association shall be the President, the President-elect,the Immediate Past President/Parliamentarian, the Secretary, the Treasurer, the Technology Officer, and the Senator and/or Alternate Senator.

(b) All officers of the Association, with the exception of the President and the Parliamentarian shall be elected as follows:

(1) The President shall appoint a nominating committee to submit a slate of officers at the last meeting of the year.

(2) Nominations may be made from the floor.

(3) Officers shall be elected at the last meeting of the year.

(4) Officers shall assume their duties for a period of one year following their election, beginning July 1 and ending June 30 of the following year.

(5) The President shall be the President-Elect of the preceding year.

(6) The Parliamentarian shall be the Immediate Past President.

(7) The Immediate Past President shall be the Alternate Senator.

Section 2.   Qualification of Officers

(a) Any member in good standing, with the exception of student members, shall be eligible for election as an officer.

(b) Each officer in the Association shall be a member of the Texas Counseling Association throughout the term of office.

(c) The Senator and Alternate Senator must hold membership in the American Counseling Association throughout the term of office. All officers are encouraged to join the American Counseling Association.

Section 3.   Duties of Officers

(a) Each officer will keep a procedural folder located on the PWCA Dropbox folder. This folder will be available to all officers. All officers are encouraged to attend TCA’s Summer Leadership Training Institute.

(b) The president shall coordinate all activities of the Association for the current year, including the following tasks:

(1) Preside at all meetings of the Association and Executive Committee;

(2) Appoint chairs and members to all standing and special committees;

(3) In the event that an elected office of the Association is vacated due to death, resignation or any other reason, the President shall appoint a person to fill the uncompleted term of office;

(4) Will make an annual written report to TCA as required each fiscal year to document the Association’s activities, minutes, financial statements, and any changes in the chapter’s By-Laws. The President shall also provide any additional reports as requested by the TCA President;

(5) Will attend TCA’s Summer Leadership Training Institute if at all possible. TCA will reimburse hotel, travel and meals not provided by TCA, in accordance with the TCA Fiscal Policy;

(6) Perform other tasks as needed for the effective and beneficial function of the Association.

(c) The President-Elect shall perform the duties of the President in the absence or incapacity of the President and shall serve as Program Chairperson. The President-Elect shall provide timely information to TCA concerning Association meetings and news. The President-Elect shall assume the Presidency of the Association upon the death or resignation of the President. The President-Elect will attend TCA’s Summer Leadership Training Institute. TCA will reimburse hotel, travel and meals not provided by TCA, in accordance with the TCA Fiscal Policy.

(d) The Secretary shall keep an accurate record of all meetings of the Association and shall take minutes of the minutes and have written copies available for distribution at each subsequent meeting. The Secretary shall handle correspondence of the Association and additional duties as directed by the Executive Committee.

(e) The Treasurer shall assist the membership chairperson and collect dues. The Treasurer shall take care of all financial obligations and make a financial report to the membership at each meeting. At least once each fiscal year, the Treasurer shall coordinate with President for an internal audit of Association finances and report the results to the Executive Committee. The Treasurer will attend TCA's Summer Leadership Training Institute, if at all possible. PWCA will reimburse hotel, travel and meals not provided by TCA, in accordance with TCA Fiscal Policy.

(f) The Technology Officer shall maintain the website and electronic membership records. The Technology Officer shall provide timely updates to members regarding meetings and other Association news.

(g) The Parliamentarian/Alternate Senator shall be the Immediate Past President and shall be responsible for Parliamentary procedures for all meetings of the Association according to Robert¹s Rules of Order Revised. The Immediate Past President shall serve as Alternate Senator.

(h) The Senator shall represent Piney Woods Counseling Association in the Texas Counseling Association and shall serve for three (3) years. Such senators may be reelected at the discretion of the chapter. The Immediate Past President shall serve as the Alternate, only in the absence of the elected senator. The Senator will attend TCA’s Summer Leadership Training Institute and other senate meetings as necessary. PWCA will reimburse hotel, travel and meals not provided by TCA, in accordance with the TCA Fiscal Policy.

Section 4.   Quorum – In order to conduct official business of the Executive Committee, a quorum shall require attendance of at least 50% of the Executive Committee members then in office. Votes by the Executive Committee may be held electronically provided a response is received from at least 50% of the current members.

Section 5.   Compensation of Officers – None of the elected officers or Committee Chairpersons of the Association shall receive any compensation for their services as such to the Association.

Section 6.   Uncompleted Terms of Elected Officers

(a) In the event the President-elect, Secretary, Treasurer, Senator, Technology Officer, or other elected position is vacated due to death, resignation, or other reason, the Association President shall appoint a person to fill such position for the remainder of the uncompleted term.

(b) In the event the immediate Past President’s position is vacated due to death, resignation, or any other reason, the Association President shall appoint a former Past President of the Association to fill the remainder of the unexpired term.

(c) Should all elected officer positions be simultaneously vacated due to death, resignation, or any other reason, the most recent Past President still in the membership shall serve as President for the remainder of the unexpired term, appointing members to additional positions as provided by these By-Laws.

Section 7.   Removal of an Officer from Elected Position

(a) Members of the Association affirm that the Piney Woods Counseling Association has the right and obligation to prescribe and enforce its standards for those who hold office.

(b) An officer or Executive Committee member may be sanctioned or removed from office for cause. Such causes include, but are not limited to those listed in the TCA Governance Manual or any conduct that tends to injure or discredit the Association, or that is contrary to or destructive of its objectives according to these By-Laws and the Code of Ethics of the Texas Counseling Association and/or the American Counseling Association.

(c) Any officer or Executive Committee member who is not fulfilling the prescribed standards of her/his office shall be notified in writing by the President as directed by the Executive Committee. The officer or Executive Committee member so notified will then be given an opportunity to be heard and to rectify the situation within a reasonable time period, if appropriate. Sanction or removal from office shall require a two-thirds (2/3) vote of a properly convened Executive Committee.


Article IV

Executive Committee

Section 1.   Composition - The Executive Committee shall be composed of the officers of the Association and the Committee Chairpersons.

Section 2.   Powers and Functions of the Executive Committee

(a) The Executive Committee shall plan the annual calendar.

(b) The Executive Committee shall establish an annual budget.

(c) An Executive Committee member shall not present a PWCA program during his/her term of service.

Section 3.   Meetings - The Executive Committee shall meet a minimum of three (3) times during each fiscal year. In addition to regularly scheduled meetings, the President or a majority of Executive Committee members may call a special meeting of the Executive Committee to plan or conduct the business of the Association.


Article V


Section l.   Standing Committees - The Standing Committees of the Association shall be the Awards Committee, Hospitality Committee, Membership Committee, Publications Committee, and Historian/Reporter Committee.

Section 2.   Appointment of Standing Committees and Chairpersons – The President shall appoint the chairperson of each Standing Committee. The Chairperson may select at least two additional committee members. The Committee may designate one member to be retained on that committee during the succeeding year to insure continuity of committee work.

Section 3.   Appointment of Special Committees and Chairpersons – The President shall name such special committees as may be needed to conduct the activities of the Association.

Section 4.   Reports - Each committee shall make an annual written report of its activities and status to the President on or before May 1 of that year.


Article VI

Business Affairs

Section 1.   Dues - Annual Piney Woods Counseling Association dues for members shall be established by action of the Executive Committee with approval of the membership. The membership year shall extend from September 1 to August 31 of the following year.

Section 2.   Meetings

(a) The Association shall hold at least three (3) meetings between September 1 and May 31 during each fiscal year. Arrangements for the meetings shall be planned and executed by the President-elect with the approval and support of the Executive Committee.

(b) In the event of circumstances which render a scheduled meeting impossible or inadvisable, the meeting may be postponed or cancelled by vote of the Executive Committee.

(c) Special meetings of the Association membership, beyond those regularly scheduled, may be called by a majority vote of the Executive Committee.

(d)  For the purpose of conducting business affairs of the Association, a quorum shall be 40% of the current membership. Votes by the membership may be held electronically provided a response is received from at least 40% of the current members.

Section 3.   Tax Exempt Status – The Association shall not engage in any activity which would disqualify it for status as a tax-exempt organization as defined by the regulations of the Internal Revenue Service.

Section 4.   Appropriation of Association Funds - Appropriations shall be made under the direction of the Executive Committee as outlined in the budget.

Section 5.   Disposal and Dissolution – Upon dissolution of the Association, none of its property shall be distributed to any of the members, and all such property shall be transferred to such other organization or organizations as the Executive Committee shall determine to have purposes and activities most nearly consonant with those of the Association, provided that such other organization(s) shall be exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue laws.

Section 6.   Fiscal Year - The fiscal year for the Association shall be July 1 to June 30 of the following year.

Section 7.   Funds for Professional Growth Conferences - Upon approval of the Executive Committee, funds of up to $600 each for the President, Senator, Treasurer, and the President-Elect shall be provided annually for attendance at the Professional Growth Conference and for TCA sponsored leadership sessions. Funds shall be provided upon the submission of receipts by each individual.

Section 8.   Meeting Fee - The meeting fee, for three meetings in the fiscal year,is included as part of annual membership in the three classes of membership as stated in Article II, Section 2 above. In the case of nonmembers, the cost of attending one meeting for the purpose of professional growth will be $40. Special guests may be exempt from the fee by decision of the Executive Committee.

Section 9.   ACA Membership - As the Senator and Alternate Senator must be an ACA member in order to have voting privileges at TCA Senate meetings, their ACA regular membership dues will be paid by the PWCA.

Article VII


These By-Laws may be amended by two-thirds vote of the membership present at a regular meeting.

Article VIII

Rules of Order

Robert’s Rules of Order Revised (by Henry Martin Robert) shall govern the proceedings of the Association not otherwise specified in the By-Laws.